This Personnel Management Regulations Manual is prescribed for the purpose of carrying out the personnel program pursuant to Chapter 2.56 of the Marin County Code known as the Merit System Ordinance, and compliance with State and federal law. PMR 1 establishes the purpose and authority for these regulations.


1.1 Purpose
1.2 Application
1.3 Authority
1.4 Effect of Collective Bargaining Agreements
1.5 No Contract Created
1.6 Right to Amend, Delete or Suspend


Not applicable.

1.1 Purpose

A. The goal of these regulations is to establish equitable and lawful procedures for dealing with personnel matters, to attract and retain for the County service the most competent persons available, to assure that appointments and promotions of employees will be based on merit and fitness, to provide a reasonable degree of security for qualified employees, and to support the values, goals, and strategies set forth in the County’s Strategic Plan.

B. These PMRs represent a compilation of legal standards, policies, procedures, rules, forms, and definitions pertaining to the responsibilities of employees and managers in their employment with the County of Marin. They incorporate previous Personnel Commission Rules and Regulations, the County Code (Section 2.52 [Salary], and Section 2.56 [Merit System]), and numerous other countywide policies and procedures. These previous personnel rules, regulations, policies, and procedures are expressly repealed and replaced by these PMRs.

C. The County's personnel program, including but not limited to the Merit System, all policies, procedures and practices, will be aimed at excellence and merit. It will encourage competence, accomplishment, learning, diversity, equity, purpose and loyalty in the public service.

D. These Personnel Management Regulations are organized into the following sections:

  • Section 1: General and Administration
  • Section 2: Personnel Conduct and Standards of Employment
  • Section 3: Recruitment and Selection
  • Section 4: Employment Practices

1.2 Application

These policies and procedures apply to all employees of the County of Marin unless a specific policy or procedure indicates otherwise. The provisions related to administration of a Merit System, e.g. appointment, probation status, procedure for disciplinary action and selection appeals, are not applicable to

  • Elective officials;
  • Appointed department heads except where otherwise provided by law;
  • Members of appointive boards, commissions and committees;
  • Positions established for the purpose of a special study or investigation requiring expert professional or technical services for a definite period of time;
  • Patients or inmates of county institutions;
  • Participants in the Adult Offender Work Program;
  • One chief deputy or assistant of each elective official;
  • Assistant County Administrator;
  • Assistant Director of Finance;
  • Assistant Director of Parks & Open Space;
  • Assistant Public Defender;
  • Chief Fiscal Officer – Health & Human Services;
  • Chief Information Security Officer;
  • Deputy Director of County Library Services;
  • Deputy Director of Human Resources;
  • Deputy Director of Fire;
  • Administrative aides appointed by each member of the Board of Supervisors, not to exceed two full-time positions or the equivalent thereof;
  • Appointees on or after December 13, 2016 in Chief Assistant Director(s) and Assistant Director(s) classifications in the following departments: Agriculture, Weights and Measures; Assessor-Recorder County Clerk; Child Support Services; Community Development Agency; County Counsel; Cultural Services; Elections; Farm; Fire; Health and Human Services; Human Resources; Information Services and Technology; Library; Probation; Public Works; and Retirement;
  • Appointees on or after November 12, 2020 in the following classifications: Deputy County Administrator, Deputy Director of Environmental Health Services, Deputy Director of Building Inspection and Safety, and Deputy Fire Chief;
  • Appointees on or after May 13, 2021 in the classification of Equity Director; and
  • Appointees on or after August 19, 2021 in the classification of Deputy Director of Housing & Federal Grants.
  • Appointees on or after October 20, 2022 in the classification of Director of Emergency Management.
  • Appointees on or after October 20, 2022 in the classification of Deputy Director of Planning Services.
  • Appointees on or after December 8, 2022 in the classification of Budget Director.

1.3 Authority

A. The ultimate determination of personnel policy is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors, after development by the Director of Human Resources and County Administrator, and review and recommendation by the Personnel Commission.

B. The Board of Supervisors may establish the position of Director of Human Resources to provide for the conducting of competitive examinations to ascertain the fitness of applicants for appointment and for the promotion of employees to vacant positions, and in conjunction with the County Administrator, to have the responsibilities to administer all aspects of the personnel system. The Director of Human Resources may contract with any qualified person or agency for the performance of such technical or professional services as may be desired in the establishment or operation of the personnel system. Administration includes keeping the Personnel Commission informed of developments, issues, and anticipated developments.

C. TThe Director of Human Resources, or designee, acting as Executive Secretary to the Personnel Commission, is authorized to execute Personnel Commission policy and the establishment of such administrative controls as may be necessary to effectuate the provisions of these Personnel Management Regulations.

1.4 Effect of Collective Bargaining Agreements

If a provision of these Personnel Management Regulations is in conflict with a provision of an applicable collective bargaining agreement negotiated between the County and a recognized employee organization, to the extent of such conflict, the provision of the collective bargaining agreement shall be controlling.

1.5 No Contract Created

The Personnel Management Regulations do not create any contract of employment, express or implied, or any rights in the nature of a contract.

1.6 Right to Amend, Delete or Suspend

These policies may be amended by adding, deleting or changing such policies from time to time upon giving at least one calendar week written notice to each of the bargaining units of the County of Marin. Such notice that an amendment to a particular policy or policies is to be considered will provide an opportunity for a meeting, the time and place of which is specified in the notice. The bargaining units will have one calendar week from receipt of the notice to respond to the notice and opportunity provided. This section is not intended to supercede the meet and confer obligations set forth in the California Government Code Section 3500 et. seq.


Effective Date: September 6, 2018

Amended Date: October 13, 2020

Revision No.: 2

Prepared By: Mary Hao

Approved: ss/President, Board of Supervisors